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Stores key/value pairs in a map held in memory. This cache is therefore reset every time the service restarts. Each item in the cache has a TTL set from the moment it was last edited, after which it will be removed during the next compaction.

# Common config fields, showing default values
label: ""
ttl: 300
compaction_interval: 60s
init_values: {}

The compaction interval determines how often the cache is cleared of expired items, and this process is only triggered on writes to the cache. Access to the cache is blocked during this process.

Item expiry can be disabled entirely by either setting the compaction_interval to an empty string.

The field init_values can be used to prepopulate the memory cache with any number of key/value pairs which are exempt from TTLs:

ttl: 60
foo: bar

These values can be overridden during execution, at which point the configured TTL is respected as usual.



The TTL of each item in seconds. After this period an item will be eligible for removal during the next compaction.

Type: int
Default: 300


The period of time to wait before each compaction, at which point expired items are removed.

Type: string
Default: "60s"


A number of logical shards to spread keys across, increasing the shards can have a performance benefit when processing a large number of keys.

Type: int
Default: 1


A table of key/value pairs that should be present in the cache on initialization. This can be used to create static lookup tables.

Type: object
Default: {}

# Examples
Nickelback: "1995"
Spice Girls: "1994"
The Human League: "1977"