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Compresses messages according to the selected algorithm. Supported compression algorithms are: gzip, zlib, flate, snappy, lz4.

# Common config fields, showing default values
label: ""
algorithm: gzip
level: -1

The 'level' field might not apply to all algorithms.



The compression algorithm to use.

Type: string
Default: "gzip"
Options: gzip, zlib, flate, snappy, lz4.


The level of compression to use. May not be applicable to all algorithms.

Type: int
Default: -1


An optional array of message indexes of a batch that the processor should apply to. If left empty all messages are processed. This field is only applicable when batching messages at the input level.

Indexes can be negative, and if so the part will be selected from the end counting backwards starting from -1.

Type: array
Default: []